My Everyday Make Up Routine
As much as I love make up, skin care and general beauty stuff, I hate spending any more time on my everyday make up than I need to. 5 minutes are good, 7 minutes are ok if I do all three levels of my routine. Levels? Yes, I always do my make up in three levels (each consisting of three steps) and depending on what my plans are that day, I do one, two or all three of them. I got the idea from Bobbi Brown's Make up Manual, in which she talks about figuring out your three absolute essentials (desert island products) that you can put on in less than a minute. For me these essentials, the first level of my routine, are a tinted moisturizer, a brow pencil and any tinted lip product. For others, they might be concealer, mascara and blush, or blush, liner and powder. Whatever I am doing, whether it is just lounging at home or going out, I always use my three essentials first and then continue with level 2, if I want to look a bit more polished, or 2 + 3, if I want polish + more definition. Below you'll see some pictures of my process. If you want to know more about the products I use, my special occasion make up routine and how I organize everything, read this post.